Since moving to France, Johnny Griffin has celebrated manyhomecomings in this, the city of his birth. And a lot of birthdays,since his coincides with his annual engagement at the Jazz Showcase.The tenor saxophonist will turn 65 Saturday, which is also clubproprietor Joe Segal's birthday.
It has been a long time, however, since Griffin returned toChicago on a greater high. After more than a decade of neglect bydomestic labels, he has delivered two masterpieces on Antilles, "TheCat" (1991) and the new "Dance of Passion." Freshly melodic,beautifully crafted original compositions from those albums nowdominate his sets, which long relied on standards.
In other words, a master has gotten even more masterful inrounding his art. And a superb quartet has gotten even more so.
Few working bands play with greater focus, intuition or sharedpassion than the Johnny Griffin Quartet. With Michael Weissproviding a lilting angularity and cerebral depth on piano, KennyWashington brilliantly changing up on drums and recent addition PeterWashington lending a deep vitality and wit on bass, the music neverhas a chance of becoming standard - even on standards.
And with Griffin balancing his breakneck, breathtakingbrilliance with a deepened lyricism - he's never played ballads moreaffectingly - he never has a chance of losing our attention.
Hearing the band open up and vigorously nail down songs itrecorded in more expansive fashion on "Dance of Passion," whichutilized a horn section, made one wish they'd go back in the studioand cut an alternate version of the album. It's a tribute toGriffin's composing and Weiss' arranging that the material losesnothing in transition from studio to live performance - and backagain.
Building on the Monkish curlicues that introduce "You've NeverBeen There," Griffin pared down his playing to achieve a scurryingintensity before tightening and flattening his phrasing to freeingeffect. On "Take My Hand," a samba that sticks in your mind for daysafter each hearing, the leader brought the Chicago traditionpungently to bear on Stan Getz' Brazilian interpretations.
His bandmates responded with dazzling solos of their own. Theremarkable Washington provided a lesson in melodic drumming on "JustOne of Those Things" - Cole Porter's every note rode his hard-hittingrhythms. And Weiss' tall, spacious structures and gospel tinges on"The Way It Is" smartly diversified the eight-bar blues. Take note:He'll be back to lead his own quartet at the Green Mill Jazz Club May21-22.
Griffin and company will continue at the Showcase, 636 S.Michigan (312-427-4846), tonight at 8 and 10, tomorrow and Saturdayat 9 and 11 and Sunday at 4, 8 and 10 p.m.
ENDNOTES: HotHouse launches three days of intensive modernlistening tonight at 8 when the New Horizons Ensemble performs forthe National Jazz Service Organization. Tomorrow at 10:30 p.m.,trumpeter Malachi Thompson will lead his Freebop Band (which thisweek copped the $10,000 first prize in the Cognac Hennessy ChicagoJazz Search) and his Africa Brass ensemble.
And Saturday at 8:30 p.m., the Gregg Bendian Project performs atHotHouse, 1565 N. Milwaukee (312-235-2334). Percussion- ist/composerBendian will be joined by German bassist Johannes Weidenmueller andreed player Randy McKean.
Pop-jazz tenor saxophonist Kirk Whalum performs tonight at 8 inthe Dragon Room of the China Club, 616 W. Fulton (312-466-0400).
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