Monday, February 20, 2012

Come on, ladies, be honest...(Letters)

I WAS dismayed by Claudia Connell's failure to find any 'normal' men on internet dating sites (Femail). I must defend the male of the species.

Having been removed from my wife's speed dial five years ago, I decided to dip my toe into the internet dating waters after finding no other obvious means of meeting like-minded people of a similar age and ilk. I consider myself of average weight, height and looks, with no obvious skeletons in the closet (I didn't even have a closet after the divorce).

My hair and teeth are all my own, apart from a tooth veneer which is still under warranty, so I feel I would pass a 53-year-old MoT test, should there ever be such a thing. I'm as financially solvent as one can be in this climate, have my own four-bed property and all of my 'baggage' is safely secured in the overhead locker of life.

I wasn't looking for a Cameron Diaz type, but a normal female who could make me laugh and enjoy life on an equal footing. what did I get? Barbara Cartland lookalikes claiming to be in their late 40s, a widow who insisted on showing me pictures of her late husband and a woman claiming to be a showbiz mogul who lived in a scrapyard. Her boy answered the door wearing make-up.

Some women have professionally taken pictures on their profiles, heavily made-up, with a wind machine to the side billowing their hair in an attempt at looking seductive. Not quite the same effect at 9.30am in starbucks with steamed up windows, sitting among the pushchairs. Others have pictures of their pets on their profile. why, for goodness sake? why would I want to know what their cat looks like or if it's a match for me?

They then try to sell themselves in 'about me' narratives: 'difficult to write about myself but my friends tell me I have a wicked sense of humour' -- 'equally comfortable in jeans and muddy wellies or heels and a little black number' - 'I like restaurants or a cuddle on the sofa with a DVD and bottle of wine...' Please, ladies, try to come up with something more imaginative. we're not all bad out here -- and please don't lie about your age.

KEVIN ROBERTS, Chesham, Bucks.


Dating on the net: Kevin just wants the truth

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